Thursday 12 July 2012

Wacky winter weather in Opotiki

It's been cold as a father polar bear's disappointed stare some days around the Eastern Bay, makes me glad I'm near the coast and not down in the valley.

But it's produced some rad sunsets and foggy mornings during the past couple of weeks.

Whale Island features a lot because it's directly in front of where the sun goes to sleep.

I keep telling myself that sunset shots get really boring but can't help myself pulling big red over and taking a snap on the way home.

Waiotahi Beach is always a good spot. Often a few people pull over to enjoy the view.

 And Bryan's Beach is always a favourite.

And it's even been thundering and lightning-ing, haven't worked out how to take a decent picture of that yet , but this one shows how bright it was, just about as light as day.

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