Wednesday, 8 January 2014

The biggest nore bang - Korean Baseball

Korean baseball games (and presumably any sporting event) are fun as hell to attend. Half the entertainment comes from the crowd and the energy coming from it just makes any trip a great time.
Earlier in the year me and two friends visited Daejeon to see the Hanwha Eagles play... someone, it didn't matter, we rooted for the home side and had so much fun cheering along with the ajashis (older guys) in the cheap seats it didn't matter.
Take me out to the ball game...
Tickets up in the outerfield seats were only about 9000W (9NZD) and there's plenty which sets it apart from a good-ol' cricket match in NZ. First there's the constant singing along, which if you really want to get involved with you should buy an infield ticket. There's a platform where cheerleaders dance and sing along, but it's more like a K-Pop show with costume changes and choreographed dance routines with the crowd on it's feet singing along to "Sweet Caroline" and, strangely, Bruno Mars' "I think I wanna marry you."

One of the best parts about heading to the game is you can bring your own food and drink, although not glass containers, and there are plenty of people selling chicken and beer as you head into the stadium which in Daejeon is literally walking distance from the train station.
Buzzy Bee enjoys a coldie.
The action on field was also pretty good, although I don't know what it is compared to the American game, but there was plenty to cheer about, even if we lost - including remarkably one of the pitchers being brought to them mound in a convertible sports car.

So for the price of a few beers and pocket money you can have yourself a truly Korean experience and really mingle with the locals.

Oh and we also saw a chipmunk on the way.

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